
Muhammad Taharat Galib

+880 1521-202012
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Degrees and Universities Attended

M.Sc.    in    Mechanical    Engineering    (on    going),    Chittagong    University    of    Engineering    and    Technology
B.Sc.    in    Mechanical    Engineering,    Chittagong    University    of    Engineering    and    Technology

Short Introduction

Muhammad Taharat Galib is a lecturer in Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. He has graduated in Mechanical Engineering from CUET and currently doing his masters in same. He loves to excel in the fields of CFD and programming. His research interest aligns with integrating mechanical problems with programmable solutions. He possesses an excellent lecture delivery style. He is also renowned for his great student counseling capabilities. He is also active in co-curricular activities and advises in the University Debating Club, Public Speaking, and Project Idea Contests.

Teaching experience

Lecturer    (Contractual)    in    Mechanical    Engineering    (17    April    2019    -    31    July    2019)    City    University
Lecturer    in    Mechanical    Engineering    (01    August    –    Till    Date)    City    University

Industrial    Experience
Industrial    Training    in    Carriage    and    Wagon    Repair    Workshop,    Bangladesh    Railway,    Pahartoli,    Chattogram.    Duration-    03    weeks

Research Interest

i)    Computational    Fluid    Dynamics
ii)    Vortex    Induced    Vibration
iii)    Aerodynamics


1)    Galib,    M.T.    and    Das,    R.K.    2021.    Design    and    Analysis    of    A    Vortex    Induced    Vibration    Based    Oscillating    Free    Stream    Energy    Converter.    Journal    of    Engineering    Advancements.    2,    02    (Jun.    2021),    112–117.    DOI:


Research    Gate    Profile    Web-Link: