
Subrata Saha

+880 1795-559375
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Degrees and Universities Attended

MSc    in    Nuclear    Engineering,    University    of    Dhaka
BSc.    in    Mechanical    Engineering,    BUET

Short Introduction

Subrata Saha obtained MSc in Nuclear Engineering at DU and BSc in Mechanical Engineering at BUET. He has keen interest in Thermal Hydraulics in Nuclear Reactors, two phase fluid flow, Stochastic model of Nuclear Power Plant, Composite materials and Group theory in Mechanics. He is working on these topics and related fields. Before joining as a faculty member in the university he worked as an Industrial Project Analyst in a state-owned bank for 16 years.

Teaching experience

3.5    years

Administration    Position
Operation    Manager,    BASIC    Bank    Ltd.,    experience    -16    years.

Industrial    Experience
Assistant    Engineer,    Rural    Electrification    Board

Research Interest

1)    Thermal    Hydraulics    in    Nuclear    Reactors
2)    Two    phase    fluid    flow
3)    Composite    Materials
4)    Group    theory    in    Mechanics.
5)    Computational    Fluid    Dynamics


Heat    Pipe    for    thermal    management
Solutions    of    two    group    Neutron    diffusion    equation
Nuclear    Power,    a    solution    to    Global    Warming    &    Climate    Change