

Lecturer and Coordinator (Evening) ;
+88 01734098875
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Degrees and Universities Attended

-  M.Engg.  in  Mechanical  Engineering,  Dhaka  University  of  Engineering  and  Technology  (DUET)
-  PGD  in  Production  Planning  and  Supply  Chain  Management,  Bangladesh  Knitwear  Manufacturers  and  Experts  Association  (BKMEA)  under  SEIP  govt.  project
-  B.Sc.  in  Mechanical  Engineering,  International  University  of  Business  Agriculture  and  Technology  (IUBAT)

Short Introduction

Zahid Ahsan joined as a full-time faculty member of Department of Mechanical Engineering at City University since 2020. Basically, Zahid Ahsan is a Mechanical Engineer. His areas of interest are Production Engineering, Industrial Management, Supply Chain Engineering Management, Operations Research, Automobile Engineering. He loves teaching as well as research. He is dedicated to his field of specialization. He has been working in 'Program Self-Assessment Committee under IQAC' and 'Admission Promotion Team under ME department' dedicatedly. Before joining here, he served as a professional engineer. He had considerable experiences as Mechanical In-charge in MAQ Group, Territory In-charge in Transcom Group, Operation Manager in ACI Limited and Production Planning Engineer in Navana Group.

Teaching experience

-  Lecturer,  Department  of  Mechanical  Engineering,  City  University  [Year:  2020  –  present]

Research Interest

i)  Industrial  and  Production  Engineering
ii)  Operations  Research  and  Advanced  Engineering  Management
iii)  Automobile  Engineering
iv)  Composite  Materials


1)  Miah,  M.  A.  H.,  Abedin,  M.  Z.,  Hossain,  M.  S.,  Ali,  M.  A.,  Rana,  M.  M.,  Islam,  S.,  Ahsan,  Z.,  &  Islam,  S.  (2023).  Welding  Defects  Analysis  with  Various  Alloys  using  TIG  and  MIG  Welding  Process.  Transactions  on  Engineering  and  Computing  Sciences,  11(4).  99-116.

2)  Samsul  Islam,  Mohammad  Zoynal  Abedin,  Md.  Abdul  Hannan  Miah,  Zahid  Ahsan,  Arif  Md.  Shahed  Iqubal,  Mustafizur  Rahman,  Md.  Mir  Shakib  Ahmed,  Md.  Aminul  Islam,  Md.  Osman  Gani,  Mohammad  Abdul  Hye,  “Questionnaires  with  Answers  on  the  Advanced  Technology  of  Automotive  Engine:  Bangladesh  Perspective”,  American  Journal  of  Mechanical  and  Industrial  Engineering  (AJMIE),  2023;  8(2):  18-44,  ISSN:  2575-6060  (Online),  DOI:  10.11648/j.ajmie.20230802.11  

3)  Samsul  Islam,  Mohammad  Zoynal  Abedin,  Zahid  Ahsan,  Md.  Abdul  Hannan  Miah,  Arif  Md.  Shahed  Iqubal,  Md.  Mir  Shakib  Ahmed,  Mustafizur  Rahman,  Md.  Osman  Gani,  Md.  Saik  Mostar  Kiron,  Mohammad  Abdul  Hye,  Md.  Rezaul  Karim  Sikder,  Md.  Aminul  Islam,  “Questionnaires  with  Answers  on  the  Automotive  Engine  Fundamentals:  Bangladesh  Perspective”,  [Accepted  in  July  2023  in  American  Journal  of  Mechanical  and  Industrial  Engineering  (AJMIE),]”.

4)  Zahid  Ahsan  and  Mustafizur  Rahman,  “FMEA,  Root  Cause  Analysis  and  Remodeling  a  Plastic  Bucket  using  Injection  Molding  for  enhanced  durability  and  longevity  [under  review  in  City  University  Journal  (CUJ)]”.

5)  Samsul  Islam,  Zahid  Ahsan,  Md.  Abdul  Hannan  Mia  and  Mohammad  Zoynal  Abedin,  “Effective  Tools  and  Equipment  used  for  Periodic  Maintenance,  General  Service  and  Car  Wash  Service  of  Vehicle:  Bangladesh  Perspective  [Accepted  in  International  Journal  of  Advances  in  Engineering  and  Management  (IJAEM)]”.

6)  Samsul  Islam,  Zahid  Ahsan,  and  Mohammad  Zoynal  Abedin,  “Status  and  Opportunities  of  detection  for  Covid-19  pandemic  diseases:  A  Review  [under  final  review  in  International  Journal  of  Mechanical  and  Materials  Engineering  (IJMME)]”.

7)  Zahid  Ahsan,  Abdullah  Al  Hasan,  Mustafizur  Rahman,  and  Masud  Rana,  “Study  on  Vehicle  Exhaust  Gases  Opacity  and  Absorption  with  respect  to  different  motion  parameters  on  EGR  condition  [paper  writing  is  in  progress]”.  

8)  Zahid  Ahsan,  Md.  Abdullah  and  Nayem  Hossain,  “Advances  of  Nanoparticles  for  Skin  Protection  –  A  Review  [paper  writing  is  in  progress]”.  
9)  Zahid  Ahsan,  Nayem  Hossain,  Abdullah  Al  Hasan  and  Shamim  Rayhan,  “Mechanical  Properties    and  recent  industrial  and  medical  applications  of  HDPE  Reinforced  with  carbon  fiber  Powder  without  filler  addition  -  A  Review  [paper  writing  is  in  progress]”.

10)  Zahid  Ahsan,  Umme  Habiba  and  Mohammad  Zoynal  Abedin,  “Review  on  Heat  Transfer  Enhancement  using  Advanced  Enhancers”,  Journal  of  Thermal  Engineering  and  Technology,  Vol  6,  Issue  1,  Year  2021,  pp.  26-61.
11)  Zahid  Ahsan,  “Inventory  Optimization  in  efficient  supply  chain  management  using  Genetic  Algorithm”,  Postgraduate  Project  under  the  supervision  of  Prof.  Dr.  Kamruzzaman,  Department  of  Mechanical  Engineering,  DUET,  Gazipur  –  1700.
12)  Zahid  Ahsan,  “Production  Planning  and  Quality  Control”,  Undergraduate  Industrial  Attachment  on  the  placement  of  Department  of  Mechanical  Engineering,  IUBAT,  Dhaka  during  staying  at  Navana  Furniture  Ltd.,  Raj-fulbaria,  Savar,  Dhaka  as  a  Trainee  Student,  2014.

#  Google  Scholar  Profile  Web-Link:

-  ORCID  ID:    

#  Administration  Information  [if  any]:

-  Coordinator,  Department  of  Mechanical  Engineering,  City  University  [Year:  May,  2023  –  present]

#  Industrial  Experience(s)  [if  any]:

1.  In-charge  (Mechanical),  MAQ  Engineering  Ltd.  [2017  –  2020]  
2.  Manager  (TD),  Transcom  Electronics  Ltd.  [2016  –  2017]    
3.  Manager  (Operations),  ACI  Logistics  Ltd.  [2015  –  2016]      
4.  Engineer  (Planning),  Navana  Furniture  Ltd.  [2015]